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Welcome to the Climsoft Community Website
General news and announcements sent to all Users.
Here you will find the Installer (Setup) for Climsoft, Manuals, tutorial and videos guides to help you access, download, install and use Climsoft in your daily operations of Climate Data Management.
Climsoft Version 4.2.3 Setup (Installer)
Manuals, Tutorial and Guides are intended to all Climsoft users to help them to install and use Climsoft effectively. The above installer link is pointing to the release page of the Climsoft GitHub repository where the released versions are kept, follow the link and download the setup (installer) of Climsoft Version 4.2.3 and then follow the instructions in the Climsoft Complete Installation video to install Climsoft. The link contains the latest installer for 32-bit, 64-bit operating system (O.S) and the upgrade; the installer for 32-bit is meant for computers with 32-bit operating system while the one for 64-bit is for 64-bit computers.
The upgrade version is meant for users who have already installed previous versions of Climsoft version 4 (e.g. Climsoft version 4.2.2) on either 32-bit, 64-bit operating system (O.S) and want to upgrade to the latest version (e.g. Climsoft version 4.2.3), in this case the application interface (front-end) will be upgraded or updated but the database contents (data) will not be will not change. Follow the instructions in the Climsoft Upgrade video to learn step by step how to upgrade your Climsoft from an earlier version to a newer version.
You are encouraged also to update your database by execute the database upgrade script available in the sub folder Dbase locate in the Climsoft installation path (e.g.: C:\Program Files (x86)\ClimsoftV4\Dbase) after the installation of the installer for Climsoft Upgrade on your system. Here is a video showing How to update your database.
This video will show you how to access and download Climsoft Version 4 software for your system.
This video guide will give you the basics on Climsoft and how you can get prepared for the implementation.
This video will guide you through the process of installing Climsoft Version 4.
This video will walk you through the main functionalities of Climsoft Version 4.
This video will guide you through the process of Uninstallation and Re-Installation of Climsoft Version 4.
This video will guide you through the process of upgrading your Climsoft to the latest Version.
This video shows you how to update your Database using an Upgrade Database SQL script.
This video will show you how to import, modify, add new metadata Information and export these from Climsoft for use in other applications.
This video demonstrates how to manage Climsoft Users (add or delete Users, assign roles and permissions to Users, change password, etc.).
This video shows how to customize Climsoft for local use.
This video will show you how to activate required Data Entry Forms to use in your daily operations, will described Data Entry forms layout and their common and specific aspects in Climsoft.
This video will show you how to configure the sequence of elements in Data Entry Forms
This video show how to enter observations data from registers into Climsoft using Data Entry Forms.
This video demonstrates how to export, import and upload data through Climsoft Data Entry Forms. This process can be used to exchange data between Outstations and the Headquarter using Climsoft.
This video will walk you through the process of data migration from Climsoft version 3 (using Climsoft version 3 backup file) to Climsoft version 4.
This video shows the process of data migration from Climsoft version 3 (using Climsoft version 3 SQL database file) to Climsoft version 4.
This video walk you through steps to perform Backup of your Data and Database in Climsoft Version 4.
This video shows how the process of Data and Database Restore is done in Climsoft Version 4.
This video will walk you through the process of importing Hourly Data where Elements are in a Single Column into Climsoft.
This video shows how to import Daily Data where Elements are in a Single Column into Climsoft.
This video will walk you through the process of importing Data with Multiple Element Columns into Climsoft.
This video will walk you through the process of importing dekadal data into Climsoft version 4.
This video shows how to import monthly data into Climsoft version 4
This video shows how to import data from Automatic Weather Station into Climsoft version 4.
This video shows how to import CLICOM data into Climsoft version 4.
This video shows how to perform Quality Control and Internal Data transfer in Climsoft.
This video will give you an overview of Climate products available in Climsoft version 4.
This video walk you through steps to follow to generate Climate products in Climsoft version 4.
This video demonstrates steps to follow to generate the inventory of data in Climsoft version 4.
This video demonstrates simple steps on how to connect R-Instat software directly to Climsoft database to import Climsoft data into R-Instat software for further data analysis and development of tailored Climate products.
This video recording session demonstrates how to configure Climsoft to ingest/import data from Automatic Weather Station (AWS) in Real time. AWS data will be imported from the AWS server(s) to Climsoft database automatically without human intervention.
Cette vidéo vous guidera à faire l'installation du logiciel Climsoft Version 4.
Cette vidéo vous guidera à faire la mise à jour du logiciel Climsoft Version 4.
Cette video montre comment effectuer la mise à jour de la base de données Climsoft à partir d'un fichier SQL script.
Cette vidéo vous guidera à importer, modifier, ajouter de nouvelles informations de métadonnées et a exporté les métadonnées hors de Climsoft pour une utilisation dans d'autres applications.
Contributor's and Developers' Section
Climsoft is an Open-Source community development. It is developed to meet the needs of its users, and it is very important that the users get involved. Here is the link pointing to Climsoft GitHub repository where software development, collaboration and technical discussions on climsoft development are carrying out.
Contributors are Users who are actively involved in using and developing Climsoft, through some or all of the following activities:
1. Reporting bugs and errors through the Forum
2. Testing bug fixes
3. Suggesting and specifying extensions to the Project
4. Developing and testing local extensions and changes
5. Offering developments for inclusion in the core Project.
Get involved!
The Climsoft Community needs your help. Share your experience and ideas here, and become a Contributor. Climsoft Contributors must first read and sign the Climsoft Contributor Agreement. This is to protect both you and the Climsoft Project. Click on the link below:
Contributors Discussion Forum Fórum
This is where the Climsoft Contributors discuss and help develop Climsoft.
Report a bug, ask for help or changes, give results of tests, share new or amended products, tools, code and documentation.
Please complete the Contributor's Agreement through the link above, then you will have full access to this Forum. Guests can read the forum posts, but not add to it.
WMO CDMS Specification No 1131 - also available through a WMO website link. This provides advice on the functionality of a climate data management system, with classifications as Essential, Recommended or Optional. This advice is general, not just for Climsoft, and is intended to be useful for all National Meteorological and Hydrological Services.
Organisation of the Climsoft Project
Climsoft is an Open-Source Community project. Development, maintenance and support is mainly provided by the NMHSs of Developing Countries who are also its principal users.
Contributions from the NMHSs and others are warmly welcomed. Climsoft relies on a supportive community of users, contributors and developers.
Roles in the Climsoft Project are operated as meritocracies -- the more you contribute, and the higher the quality of your contribution, the more you are encouraged to do. However with this comes increased responsibility.
The Climsoft community is expected to encourage and assist all its members to contribute to the effective development and use of Climsoft to the greatest extent possible.
This folder contains documents relevant to the Climsoft Project Governance, including reports, meeting notes, plans, and other documents.