Climsoft Version 4 Performance Evaluation Questionnaire

Reminder: Climsoft Version 4 Performance Evaluation Questionnaire

by climsoft Support Desk -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

This is a gentle reminder to some of you who have not yet submit their feedback to the Climsoft Version 4 Performance Evaluation Questionnaire to follow the above link to access,fill and submit the questionnaire feedback.

We are looking forward to receive your feedback,

Many thanks,

Mr.Marcellin HABIMANA | Climsoft Project Coordinator | World Meteorological Organization, Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, Dagoretti Corner, Ngong Road | P O Box 1395 - 00606 Nairobi, KENYA | E-mail: | Skype: mhabimana | Tel:+250788740275 / +245716980451 |
