Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017

Marcellin HABIMANA發表於
Number of replies: 4

Dear Users and members of CLIMSOFT community,

Happy New Year 2017!

2016 has been a busy and productive year for the CLIMSOFT Project. We would like to take a moment to appreciate your participation, support and contribution to CLIMSOFT's successes. In 2017, we will finalize the development of the open source and user friendly Climate Data Management System, CLIMSOFT Version 4, release and distribute the software, provides software maintenance, develop online training materials (tutorials, videos, case studies, etc.…) to support the face to face training,build a strong community to participate in further development of CLIMSOFT CDMS versions and support CLIMSOFT users community through face to face and online training. We will also continue to reinforce and address issues related to CLIMSOFT CDMS. We look forward to your strong participation and joining hands together to make CLIMSOFT available for all.

Best wishes,

Marcellin Habimana,

Climsoft Project Coordinator

In reply to Marcellin HABIMANA

element code issues

Joan Mc Donald發表於

Good afternoon to the TAG for Climsoft,

We are  now using the version 3.2.1 setup from this website,
Thanks to Samuel, files that previously blocked the reinstall were cleared up. 
However, there are few issues upon data entry, seems to be related to element numbering. After 'addnew' option button... The new record starts with height of lowest cloud and Nh Cl, Cm Ch already filled. 
Further, any edit creates a pop up dialog' field not updatable, bound property name text field name for 176, 177, 178. 179, 180.
Double click clears the dialog and allows entry of data, however, they are not stored as part of the record.
not getting screen shots attached, please advise/guide the necessary steps. 

Thanks in advance
Joan Mc Donald
images of dialog pop up related to code numbering
In reply to Joan Mc Donald

uploading main db

Joan Mc Donald發表於


Good morning developers team.

If intermediate db was successfully uploaded and successfully updated the main db, what could cause my upload of main to give dialog box ' It may not be a database that your application recognizes or the file may be corrupt'?

Hoping to get some ideas/guidance.


Joan McDonald- St.Vincent and the Grenadines