New Features of Climsoft version 4

New Features of Climsoft version 4

por Marcellin HABIMANA -
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Climsoft is a climate Data Management System (CDMS) that provides means for manual data key entry, electronic data ingestion, quality control, storage and manipulation of meteorological and climate data, with facility of derivation of various climate data products and information.

The development of Climsoft version 4 is making good progress. If all goes well as planned, Climsoft version 4 will be released before the end of this year 2015.

Following are new features of the new climsoft version 4  under development among others:

  1. Free and Open source, this will allow many people to contribute to further development of Climsoft CDMS;
  2. Easy installation compared to previous versions;
  3. Remove dependency to Microsoft Access to increase the processing speed and improve efficiency in data transfer to/ from database;
  4. Data from weather satellites and radar will be imported easily  into climsoft;
  5. Management of paper data archives (Images of paper records can be stores and retrieved on the fly to facilitate immediate  checking of key in data against the handwritten observation paper records);
  6. Meteorological messages will be encoded into Table Driven Code Forms(TDCFs) and transmitted  automatically to Global Telecommunication Systems;
  7. Avail Data output in different formats and ready to use for different applications (RCLIMDEX, CPT, GeoCLIM, INSTAT,etc).