主题 名称 描述
Download and Installation 网页地址 How to get Climsoft(English)
This video will show you how to access and download Climsoft Version 4 software for your system. 
网页地址 Climsoft basics and getting prepared for implementation (English)
This video guide will give you the basics on Climsoft and how you can get prepared for the implementation.
网页地址 Climsoft Complete Installation (English)
This video will guide you through the process of installing Climsoft Version 4. 
网页地址 Climsoft Main Functionalities (English)

This video will walk you through the main functionalities of Climsoft Version 4. 

网页地址 Climsoft Uninstallation and Re-Installation of Climsoft (English)
This video will guide you through the process of Uninstallation and Re-Installation of Climsoft Version 4. 
网页地址 How to Upgrade to the latest version of Climsoft (English)
This video will guide you through the process of upgrading your Climsoft to the latest Version. 
网页地址 How to Update your Database using an SQL Script File (English)
This video shows you how to update your Database using an Upgrade Database SQL script.
网页地址 Climsoft Metadata Information Management (English)
This video will show you how to import, modify, add new metadata Information and export these from Climsoft for use in other applications.
网页地址 Climsoft Users Administration (English)
This video demonstrates how to manage Climsoft Users (add or delete Users, assign roles and permissions to Users, change password, etc.).
网页地址 Climsoft General Settings Configuration (English)
This video shows how to customize Climsoft for local use.
网页地址 Data Entry Forms in Climsoft (English)
This video will show you how to activate required Data Entry Forms to use in your daily operations, will described Data Entry forms layout and their common and specific aspects in Climsoft. 
网页地址 Data Entry Forms Sequencer Configuration in Climsoft (English)
This video will show you how to configure the sequence of elements in Data Entry Forms 
网页地址 Data Entry Process in Climsoft (English)
This video show how to enter observations data from registers into Climsoft using Data Entry Forms.
网页地址 Data Export, Import and Upload in Climsoft through Data Entry Forms (English)
This video demonstrates how to export, import and upload data through Climsoft Data Entry Forms. This process can be used to exchange data between Outstations and the Headquarter using Climsoft. 
网页地址 Climsoft Data Migration using Climsoft Version 3 Backup File (English)
This video will walk you through the process of data migration from Climsoft version 3 (using Climsoft version 3 backup file) to Climsoft version 4.
网页地址 Data Migration Using Climsoft Version 3 SQL Database File script (English)
This video shows the process of data migration from Climsoft version 3 (using Climsoft version 3 SQL database file) to Climsoft version 4.
网页地址 How to Backup Your Data and Database in Climsoft Version 4 (English)
This video walk you through steps to perform Backup of your Data and Database in Climsoft Version 4.
网页地址 How to Restore Your Data and Database in Climsoft Version 4 (English)
This video shows how the process of Data and Database Restore is done in Climsoft Version 4.
网页地址 How to Import Hourly Data where Elements are in a Single Column into Climsoft (English)
This video will walk you through the process of importing Hourly Data where Elements are in a Single Column into Climsoft.
网页地址 How to Import Daily Data where Elements are in a Single Column into Climsoft (English)
This video shows how to import Daily Data where Elements are in a Single Column into Climsoft.
网页地址 How to Import Data where Elements are in Multiple Columns into Climsoft (English)
This video will walk you through the process of importing Data with Multiple Element Columns into Climsoft.
网页地址 How to Import Dekadal Data into Climsoft (English)
This video will walk you through the process of importing dekadal data into Climsoft version 4.
网页地址 How to Import Monthly Data into Climsoft (English)
This video shows how to import monthly data into Climsoft version 4
网页地址 How to Import Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Data into Climsoft (English).
This video shows how to import data from Automatic Weather Station into Climsoft version 4.
网页地址 How to Import Clicom Data into Climsoft version4 (English)
This video shows how to import CLICOM data into Climsoft version 4.
网页地址 Quality Control and Internal Data Transfer in Climsoft (English)
This video shows how to perform Quality Control and Internal Data transfer in Climsoft.
网页地址 Overview of Climate Products in Climsoft Version4 (English)
This video will give you an overview of Climate products available in Climsoft version 4.
网页地址 How to Generate Climate Products in Climsoft Version4 (English)
This video walk you through steps to follow to generate Climate products in Climsoft version 4.
网页地址 How to Perform the Inventory of Data in Climsoft Version 4 (English)
This video demonstrates steps to follow to generate the inventory of data in Climsoft version 4.
网页地址 Importing Climsoft Data into R-Instat software (English)
This video demonstrates simple steps on how to connect R-Instat software directly to Climsoft database to import Climsoft data into R-Instat software for further data analysis and development of tailored Climate products.
网页地址 Configuration of Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Real time Data processing in Climsoft (English)

This video recording session demonstrates how to configure Climsoft to ingest/import data from Automatic Weather Station (AWS) in Real time. AWS data will be imported from the AWS server(s) to Climsoft database automatically without human intervention.

网页地址 Climsoft Installation Rapide (Français)
Cette vidéo vous guidera à faire l'installation du logiciel Climsoft Version 4.
网页地址 Comment Effectuer la Mise à Jour du Logiciel Climsoft (Français)
Cette vidéo vous guidera à faire la mise à jour du logiciel Climsoft Version 4.
网页地址 Comment Effectuer la Mise à Jour de la Base de Données Climsoft (Français)
Cette video montre comment effectuer la mise à jour de la base de données Climsoft à partir d'un fichier SQL script.
网页地址 Gestion de Métadonnées dans Climsoft (Français)
Cette vidéo vous guidera à importer, modifier, ajouter de nouvelles informations de métadonnées et a exporté les métadonnées hors de Climsoft pour une utilisation dans d'autres applications.
Contributing to Climsoft 文件 Climate Data Management System Specifications

WMO CDMS Specification No 1131 - also available through a WMO website link. This provides advice on the functionality of a climate data management system, with classifications as Essential, Recommended or Optional. This advice is general, not just for Climsoft, and is intended to be useful for all National Meteorological and Hydrological Services.

Organisation 网页 Climsoft Community Roles

Description of the Roles involved in the Climsoft Community

文件夹 Climsoft Reports, Meeting Notes and other documents

This folder contains documents relevant to the Climsoft Project Governance, including  reports, meeting notes, plans, and other documents.